“Please Don’t Buy Me Anything This Christmas”

I’m still trying to get rid of stuff from last year

Kevin Lee
4 min readDec 17, 2021
Photo by Any Lane from Pexels

Don’t do it.


Not even a little surprise. I genuinely don’t want anything.

Actually, you know what? Give me the gift of nothing.

I caught my partner off guard but she wasn’t completely surprised. After all, she knows me pretty well by now. So she nodded her head in agreement. But the flicker in her eyes betrayed her.

Despite my pleas, she was still planning to get me a gift.

Seriously, I don’t want anything. I want to live with less stuff.

A few minutes later, she succumbed, let out a deep sigh and the little flicker faded.

Thank goodness.

Am I Being a Grinch or Just Honest?

I can imagine many people on either side of this conversation. There are people who think I’m being difficult, ungrateful, and a bit of a killjoy. And there are others who resonate with the desire for no gifts at all.

I despise wasting resources, especially when we work so hard for them.

So I get frustrated at the gap between what you think someone wants and what they actually…



Kevin Lee

Fascinated by people and how they choose to live their lives. Writing to provide another perspective.