I Consulted a Small Business Without Consulting Experience

I offered to work for free and here’s what happened

Kevin Lee
7 min readDec 10, 2020
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Earlier this year, I decided to try something new. I wanted to see if I could become a freelance business consultant for small businesses. My rationale was that the bigger consultants would avoid the smaller end of the market as they can’t charge as much for the same amount of hours.

But for an individual like me, it had the potential to be a viable business.

This is a real-life case study which will outline the following:

  • Sourcing the Opportunity
  • Creating a Win-Win Scenario
  • What I Managed to Accomplish for the Client
  • What I Gained from the Experience
  • Potential Opportunities and Issues
  • Key Takeaways

Sourcing the Opportunity

I’ll be very honest and tell you that I wasn’t sure what services I would offer, what clients needed and how much I would charge.

Not a great start. But I wanted to try something.

There is often a gap between perception and reality that can only be bridged through experience. So, I decided to get some by offering my…



Kevin Lee

Fascinated by people and how they choose to live their lives. Writing to provide another perspective.