A Very Casual Way to Build a Strong Professional Network Over Time

With patience and a little effort, you will eventually be part of a very powerful network.

Kevin Lee
5 min readJul 22, 2021
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

The ability to network is often touted as a superpower.

But it really isn’t.

Unless you’re playing an extremely short-term game and want an immediate payoff, there are no superpowers involved. You can easily build and maintain a powerful professional network over time without overextending and asking too much of others. You don’t have to stretch anyone’s goodwill so much they tell you to get lost.

The casual longer-term approach isn’t particularly sophisticated. But it’s incredibly effective.

Often, great networking just involves showing up regularly, not making people feel uncomfortable, and not asking for anything.

Networking doesn’t need to have a payoff.

Acknowledge The Existence Of People Around You

Sometimes, you don’t have to say anything at all.

Just being around another person can help you form an affinity with each other. It’s called the mere-exposure effect or familiarity principle. Just being seen and noticed over time will make someone…



Kevin Lee

Fascinated by people and how they choose to live their lives. Writing to provide another perspective.